
更新时间:2011-05-13 类别: 恐怖 惊悚 评论 下载
古罗马人相信气绝的瞬间灵魂可以挣脱躯体的束缚,气绝瞬间蕴含的能量不但能够治愈顽疾亦可益寿延年。早在20世纪30年代,Robert Kaminsky博士尽毕生之力试图控制气绝瞬间蕴含的能量。Susan Jordan是一家小杂货铺的老板,在这家店里Robert Kaminsky博士生……
呼吸/绝命呼吸的海报 呼吸/绝命呼吸


古罗马人相信气绝的瞬间灵魂可以挣脱躯体的束缚,气绝瞬间蕴含的能量不但能够治愈顽疾亦可益寿延年。早在20世纪30年代,Robert Kaminsky博士尽毕生之力试图控制气绝瞬间蕴含的能量。Susan Jordan是一家小杂货铺的老板,在这家店里Robert Kaminsky博士生前所有的一个匣子得到两个陌生人的特别关注:一个是希望借匣子的力量拯救自己奄奄一息的女儿的Raif Collins;另一个则是动机异常神秘的Alex Poe。Susan很快便认识到守护匣子和其中蕴含的秘密已经让自己陷入一场危险的纷争之中...(GarF1eLd@fitbbs)

The Ancient Romans believed that the soul escaped ones body with the last breath.It was believed that last breath held the power to cure disease and prolong life.In 1930s, Dr. Robert Kaminsky devoted his life to finding out how to harness the power in the last breath. Susan Jordan owns a local novelty shop.One item in her shop, an antique box once owned by Doctor Kaminsky, draws the interest of two men: Raif Collins who hopes its contents can save his dying sister, and Alex Poe whose motives are more mysterious.Susan quickly finds herself in a perilous struggle to protect the box and the secrets that it holds.


