美剧动画《少年正义联盟》第一季07 - 内容介绍:
【首播时间】 2010年11月26日
【字幕制作】 YDY&SLOMO&SWChina联合出品中文字幕
华纳将会推出根据DC同名漫画改编的动画系列剧《YOUNG JUSTICE》。之前被砍档的Marvel动画《Spectacular Spider-Man》的主创人员Greg Weisman将会加盟创作。
在某种意义上,动画版比较像Teen Titans。除了保留原作的Superboy、Robin、Kid Flash这三个核心人物外,另外把TT里的Miss Martian加了进来,原作中的弓箭手Arrowette则被年轻化的Artemis取代(为什么要这么改呀?)。
而Aqualad这个角色和Teen Titans动画版里的不同,可以看出是一位黑人,据推测,可能和DC漫画的走向有关。联系最近《至黑之夜》的剧情,DC可能准备将Aqualad换人!他是否会是现在动画里这个样子?(转自酷迷网)
Based on the comic series of the same name, Young Justice will follow the adventures of the teenage superhero sidekicks Aqualad (the team leader, approximately age 15 or 16), Robin (age 13), Kid Flash (age 15), Superboy (age 16 weeks), Miss Martian (age 16 in Martian years), and Artemis (age 15), who have finally gained independence from their leaders and the privelege to start their own team (when the Justice League begins to experience difficulty avoiding the spotlight, and Batman decides a cover operations team is needed). Set in Earth 16, the show will focus on the heroes trying to see if they have what it takes to use their powers for good (without the aid and guidance of their leaders) while trying to overcome typical problems that come with a teenage personal life at the same time.
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