2015动作剧情《血染淑女》720p.HD中字 - 内容介绍:
血染淑女 Lady Bloodfight (2015)
导演: 克里斯·纳汉
编剧: Bey Logan
主演: Amy Johnston / Jenny Wu / Muriel Hofmann
类型: 剧情 / 动作
制片国家/地区: 香港
语言: 英语
字幕: 中英双字
上映日期: 2015-11-15 / 2016-05-11 (戛纳电影节,法国)
片长: 99分钟(戛纳)
Jane is a beautiful but troubled American girl backpacking her way through Hong Kong. When she successfully fends off
three thugs trying to rob her, it draws the attention of Shu, a Wudang champion, who is impressed by her raw street
fighting abilities. Shu recruits Jane and trains her to fight in the vicious, all-female, underground martial arts tournament
known as “The Kumite.”
After months of rigorous preparation, Jane is ready to face off against the deadliest female fighters in the world, including Ling, the apprentice of
Shu’s nemesis, Wai, a Shaolin master. Other nefarious forces also lie in the shadows, taking Jane on a journey through the gritty underworld of
Hong Kong as she fights to be named the best female fighter in the world.
血染淑女.720p.HD中字.mp4 |
网盘链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVFLcAN 密码:jniq |
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